The art of Andrès Blanco

The art of Andrès Blanco

Couverture Hardcover
Langue EN
Pagination 88
Numéro ISBN 9788412328080
Éditeur Ominikey
Scenario Andrès Blanco
Série The art of Andrès Blanco
Mots clés Artbook
Date de parution 01-06-2022
Disponible Prix BD Web Membre: 25,77

Plus d'infos

Levertijd 5 à 10 werkdagen Over de artiest: I was born in the town of Maitencillo, in Chile, in the year 84. Maitencillo is a small province near the capital (Santiago). In these rural towns it is usual that during most of the year there are very few inhabitants, but when summer arrives, these become spas to receive the people of Santiago. This was the local setting where I grew up and where, as a product of that rural life, I took my first steps in the world of drawing. From designing for video games and comics to teaching at the university, and each new project brings me new knowledge. Currently, I find myself working mostly for the Asian market.