Ink is my Blood 3

Ink is my Blood Volume 3

Couverture Softcover
Langue EN
Pagination 148
Numéro ISBN 9783952480359
Éditeur Caurette
Scenario Saintclair Apollonia
Série Ink is my Blood
Numéro 3
Mots clés erotiek, artbook
Date de parution 03-02-2022
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Plus d'infos

Ink is my Blood is a series of artbooks showcasing most of Apollonia Saintclair's graphic work. The Volume 3, ending the first cycle, covers the artist's production between 2015 and 2016. Apollina Saintclair has worked hard to create a third volume that surpasses the previous two. It includes more drawings, more double pages and simply more content, with many works that have meanwhile become classics on social networks. As it is a book collection we have of course kept the same size and used that very paper and printing quality which already proved to be a unique sensual experience in the two first Volumes. Introduction by the director of the renowned French erotic publishing house, La Musardine; and Apollonia herself, allowing you to learn more about how she came to draw, what nourishes her work and why she started to show her drawings to an audience.