Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule The World 5

Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule The World

Couverture Softcover
Langue EN
Pagination 194
Numéro ISBN 9781646516285
Numéro 5
Mots clés Manga
Date de parution 02-02-2022
2-5 jours ouvrables Prix BD Web Membre: 10,99

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Let the Games Begin Ray White is thriving at the elite Arnold Academy of Magic as the newly-revealed Iceblade Sorcerer. The mutual comradery he has with his classmates and teachers prove especially vital as the school prepares to complete against other academies in the Magicus Chevaliers. Ray opts to stay in the background on the Steering Committee, and does everything possible to help his friend, Amelia, a front-runner in the tournament. They develop a strategy for Ray to infiltrate their rival school, Diome Academy, where he discovers shocking secrets. How will they shake up the competition at the Magicus Chevaliers?