I Was Reincarnated As The 7th Prince So I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability 4

I Was Reincarnated As The 7th Prince So I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability

Couverture Softcover
Langue EN
Pagination 192
Numéro ISBN 9781646514991
Scenario Kenkyo
Numéro 4
Mots clés Manga
Date de parution 02-02-2020
2-5 jours ouvrables Prix BD Web Membre: 12,99

Plus d'infos

Levertijd 5-10 Werkdagen In his previous life, Lloyd only wished to study magic, but his status as a commoner lead him to an unfortunate end. After being ruthlessly done in by the very magic he so desperately desired to master, Lloyd opens his eyes to an amazing new existence as the 7th prince of the Kingdom of Saloum. This time, he's been born with unmatched magical potential! With a new lease on life, and the resources to grasp his greatest dream in the palm of his hand, Lloyd sets out to finally achieve what he's always yearned for: study magic to his heart's content! There's only one small problem... he's barely 10 years old! How is anyone going to take him seriously like this?
I Was Reincarnated As The 7th Prince So I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability


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