I Get the Feeling That Nobukuni-san Likes Me 1

I Get the Feeling That Nobukuni-san Likes Me

Couverture Softcover
Langue EN
Pagination 164
Numéro ISBN 9781638585558
Éditeur Seven Seas
Numéro 1
Mots clés Manga
Date de parution 02-02-2022
2-5 jours ouvrables Prix BD Web Membre: 13,99

Plus d'infos

Nobukuni Nodoka has spent most of her adolescence with her face buried in a book. Dating was the furthest thing from her mind. But all that changed when Sasaki, a boy from Tokyo, transferred to her school. She doesn't know the first thing about romance or relationships, but with tried-and-true advice from a dating guru named Meeko, maybe she'll have a chance at love?!